AdClick Media is a targeted advertising network. You can earn ad-revenue from the traffic that you already generate by placing an ad panel on your website - and you can advertise your website by starting a campaign with our network publishers.
Note: Never click your own ads and also don’t tell your friends to click on your ads. Your account will be disabled if you do so.
Concept: Contextual PPC Advertising Agency
Types of Ads:
- Photo Text Ads - Place customizable photo text ad panels on your pages and get paid 50% ad revenue for every click from your websites.
- Interstitial Ads - Interstitial Ads are full page ads show up in between pages. These ads are highly converting and has high earnings per click.
- Banner Ads - Display banners and get paid 50% for every click that your website produces.
Availability: No Geographical Restrictions. Anybody can join.
Payment Type: Payments are made at Net 15 basis. We clear your account on the 1st of each month when your minimum reaches $50.00, and pay on the 15th of each month.
Join Now
How it Works?
Within minutes, you can start earning money from your existing traffic.
- Open your AdClickMedia account.
- Choose the type of ad you would like to display.
- Customize your ad panels to your website.
- Choose the target audience.
- Place the code on your web pages.
- Monitor your earnings in real time

Check the video below to Start Making Money From Your Website Traffic